Sunday, March 13, 2011

Biodiversity of Worms on Floating Marine Debris

Serpulid Worm A: Operculum has longer funnel than than the tentacular mouth parts
Serpulid Worm B: Feathery tentacular mouthparts, lack operculum
Serpulid Worm C: Both operculum and radial tentacle mouthparts presents, usually blue in colour!
Serpulid Worm D: Different than other serpulid worms;  it does not have an operculum, and has reddish tentacular mouthparts
Worm E: Parapodia + Setae present
Worm F: It is ifferent than worm E because it has silverily lines(not visible) within its parapodia
Worm G: I call this the happy worm because it has a smiley-like face! Has coloured cephalic segments 
Worm H: Has mouthparts, but lack setae and parapodia
Worm I: Worms without any appendages

Major Parts of  ASerpulid worm

 Taken from